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1 Bedroom | 1 Bath

The Tiffany is ready for you to take home today.

Our Tiffany floorplan uniquely allows you to live large with a tiny home feel. This park model is a masterpiece with an open concept and farmhouse style. You can have it all with this spacious one-bedroom plan.

Attention to detail inside and out makes our Tiffany a customer favorite. Tower and transom windows fill every room with natural light. The kitchen storage is designed with organization in mind — it has twenty-seven cabinet doors and eleven drawers that wrap-around the huge center island to maximize functionality. The bedroom can accommodate a king bed and has an ensuite bathroom with an oversized shower. The stylish design includes a Galvulume metal roof with accents on the 130 sq ft front porch.

Whether you like entertaining or open spaces, the Tiffany is a great choice.

Make an appointment online to tour this modern tiny home.


Excellent Financing Options Available.

Call 512-334-4310 to schedule a tour of this home.