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Schedule a Tour

Village Tiny Homes

17329 Camino Real (Hwy 21)
Mustang Ridge, TX 78616


Hours of Operation
Monday – Saturday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sunday: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM

From Austin: Travel South on Interstate Highway (IH) 35. Continue on IH-35 for 19 miles. Take Texas Toll Road 45 East to South Hwy 183/Tx 130 in Mustang Ridge, TX. Take the 2nd exit, Highway 21 and turn east onto Camino Real (Hwy 21). Village Tiny Homes is 500 feet from the exit on the north side of the road. The entrance to “Village Tiny Homes” is the 2nd driveway on north side of the road just past Village Homes.

Village Tiny Homes, Texas 21, Mustang Ridge, TX, USA

Village Tiny Homes of Austin is locally owned and operated by Donald Dempsey and David Buchanan, who have been providing excellent customer service for over 60 years. They’re on-site to answer any questions you might have. We make the process of purchasing a new home studio or ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) a delightfully easy one. You aren’t just buying a place to live, you’re becoming a homeowner!