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We are open for business and we’re taking precautions to make sure your home shopping experience is safe.

As the global effect of coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve, the Village Home family of businesses is firmly committed to the health and safety of our members and employees and serving our communities. We are closely monitoring the changing situation, and complying with public health guidance.

Our protocols remain in place: sanitizing surfaces, sanitizing stations in the office, and at each sales person’s desk. Sales people will be wiping down their desk and doorknobs daily.

As new information becomes available, management is keeping well informed so they can respond appropriately. While the circumstances continue to change and we modify our operations as necessary, we thank you for your patience and cooperation. As new developments occur, be assured we are committed to taking care of our customers and employees and to our mission of providing quality homes a price you can afford.

We extend our sincere thanks to our customers and employees for their ongoing support and loyal dedication during this challenging time.

Thank you,

Don Dempsey, Proprietor
David Buchanan, Proprietor